4/17/2016 ~ Instrument of Truth

truth1am.mp3 (50m 28s)

truth2pm.mp3 (63m 05s)


Darkness is the totality of nothing.

It is in His absence that we cannot see. Life seeks the light.
Either truth is or it is not. Truth is not a construct of uncertainty.
Faith is an esoterical belief in what is yet to be, from an essence
that which cannot be seen, and for us, it involves the unknown future;
to reality that reaches out beyond us. Faith exists in the moment where
time has positioned each one of us. Choices in what one believes leads
to defining the truth of a soul. Are there certain instruments of truth?

It is said the pen is mightier than the sword.
Words can have the power of truth as well as that of deception.
Can the truth be erased; it certainly can be forgotten,
... even blurred, in the mind of man.

... Of making many books there is no end,
and much study is wearisome to the flesh. ~ Ecclesiastes 12:12

┏► Time constrains all souls to few undergoing’s. 
The moment binds our spirit relinquishing all to inadequate experiences
in the face of the fullness of all that is. In the challenged memories of man,
can absolute truth change, or does its’ existence really matter?
There are those that declare it as irrelevant and inconsequential to
personal pursuits. Narrow visions of truth can be subjective short of
the larger complete picture. As mere men, we must be careful not to
belligerently dismiss greater truths as unreasonable. A simple truth is
that it is all greater than we are. For God to be real, absolute truth is
what establishes all reality upon His omnipotence. The only thing
certain for those that prefer ambiguity is a lack of clarity.
Doubt defeats all cowards. ◄┛                     

Our clarity of thought has been limited to that which is known.
Knowledge for us is an accumulation of experiences across
the ages of man. All thought falls short of what is or can be.
To be open for truth, one has to see the insignificance of
self in view of the unimaginable greatness of all that is.

... always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
~ 2nd Timothy 3:7

God’s absolute truth goes beyond what we can know.
Even a lie is still part of the truth as it is an occurrence.
Knowledge can never replace the value of understanding.
It is not the desire of God to have His creation deceive itself.
Since we cannot know absolute truth, God has endowed us with
the revelation of His truths allowing us to see by faith in His Word. God
has given us His truth to refute otherwise uncertain conjectures of man.
It is His goodness in mercy that stretches down from heaven to retrieve
all who would hear the call. In the midst of curious suffering, beyond what
any of us are able to fully comprehend, what has been given to each of us
is individual choice to be that we are as living in “I am.” God desires that
salvation from tyranny may be grasped, by all that would seize it.
It is reaching out beyond the moment to something holier
than all that one could ever imagine to be, or become.
Paradoxically, larger than life is in the moment.

                                       ┏► Faith is belief in thought.
Faith is not something quantifiable. Faith is not taught, it is something
believed. Scholars may claim power, but learning upon learning has no
value without humble understanding. Finite rebellion has no place in
praising His greater than infinite creation. God is in control, not that
we are. What is more important, knowledge or truth? Life or death?
Mere knowledge without essential understanding is void of the wisdom
He calls out for in knowing His truths. He wants us to put it together in
all honesty, through the gift of consciousness, where awareness
becomes, to know that we are His created children.

Only closed boxes have not opened

Absolute Timeless Truth


All that is Knowable
in facts
of truth
by Humans



    "Things We Don’t Know"       

True intelligence cannot claim to know there is no God.
True intelligence confesses that there must be a God.

For Your mercy is great above the heavens,
And Your truth reaches to the clouds. ~ Psalm 108:4

Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised;
And His greatness is unsearchable. ~ Psalm 145:3

"God is not a man, that He should lie, ... ~ Numbers 23:19

Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven. ~ Psalm 119:89

For the word of the Lord is right, And all His work is done in truth.
~ Psalm 33:4

The Equality of God is All
                      His greatness = Unsearchable
                                        God = Not a man
                                     Word = Settled in heaven  
                                     Right = Word of the Lord
  Entirety of Your word = Truth
                                      Lord = Good
                          His mercy = Everlasting

Freedom screams across the order of His creation. ◄┓         
God has given the truth of creation to itself to freely become.
It is by His generous love that this commencement has occurred
for His living creatures to experience, on their own, as He does.
The Lord Himself is the supreme instrument of truth.
The light of the Lord touches each of us as we are open
to the expanse. The universe is given to itself to be real.

The entirety of Your word is truth, ... ~ Psalm 119:160

... His truth endures to all generations. ~ Psalm 100:5

It is His merciful word that allows us to soar
in spirit beyond the confines that entrap us.

The LORD is near to all who call upon Him,
To all who call upon Him in truth. ~ Psalm 145:18

The call is to call upon Him in truth of heart.
What higher ideal is that than to speak to God Himself?

Buy the truth, and do not sell it, Also wisdom
and instruction and understanding. ~ Proverbs 23:23

                       His righteous truth surpasses our drawbacks. ◄┓
To desire the truth is a higher calling that touches the sky.
It brilliantly reaches out tickling the imagination to thirst for more.
The desire for truth is a blessing upon the conscious and is a gift of God.
Truth is influentially remembered as lies are simply forgotten; innate to
our nature. Cherished is the strength of one’s presence over any misery
in disgust. Man has cruelly perpetrated man, not God. Freedom to be is
the consecration of life given by God. In His light, wisdom is obtained.
             Manifested in the depths of a soul. ◄┛

Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, ... ~ Psalm 51:6

It is from within where our souls become more than just a
passing moment. In the depths of feeling thought, life is realized.
God sees all that we are counting the heart beats of our breaths.
What is it that we cherish? We fall naked before Him.

Oh, send out Your light and Your truth! Let them lead me; ... ~ Psalm 43:3

A good rule of thumb is to call out for His truth.
Only in submission to His will in truth may we heartfully see.
To be acceptable in His light, one must humbly call asking to come
to Him. To His tabernacle where something valuable has always been,
His holy loving light of life.

... Who may dwell in Your holy hill? He who walks uprightly, And
works righteousness, And speaks the truth in his heart; ... ~ Psalms 15:1-2

He who speaks truth declares righteousness, ... ~ Proverbs 12:17

... to God as being alive from the dead, and your members
as instruments of righteousness to God. ~ Romans 6:13

For one to embrace righteousness in the face of man and God,
it is not only crucial, but essential, to speak the truth. Those that
employ deception acquire death without question. Only a life grounded in
goodness is able to see the sure riches of God and benefit one’s fellows.
In truth, He calls for us to be instruments of righteousness, and we know
that to be righteous, the truth must be an active part of us.

"But let your Yes' be Yes, and your No, No. For whatever
is more than these is from the evil one." ~ Matthew 5:37

          ┏► Truth is God’s game plan.
The universe holds to the commands of God and we, as individual parts,
are called to be instruments of truth, in the very being that we are. To be
included as a legitimate player, one has to abide by the rules. In truth, it is
His creation, not ours. Deception comes by claiming that which is not, and
in the case of all that would fall from His grace in superiority to Him, the
farce of an unsubmitting soul living in denial, liars will die. The chains of
our bondage are of the earth and not of heaven. Maybe is not an option
in His coming judgment where absolute truth takes precedence.

"But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds
may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God." ~ John 3:21

"God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."
~ John 4:24

... who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
~ 1st Timothy 2:4

The light of God is present in all moments.
He waits to see if what we do is through Him, or is it something
else foreign to His will unwilling to hold to the nature of goodness.
God has subjected us in the futility of time temporarily, to reveal our true
inner character of spirit. Truth is where the spin stops here. He asks for
our presence in purity of heart. God is real and only accepts the same.
                                                            ┗► To be real or not to be real in God.

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." ~ John 8:32

                            The power of clarity belongs to the Lord. ◄┓
God has enough scriptures concerning truth to make us doubly sure
about what He expects from His creation of life. The truth does not involve
hidden double standards, but is straight forward in the light. For those that
choose Him over self reap the rewards already. Great is His truth in truth.

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. ... ~ John 14:6

"the Spirit of truth, ... but you know Him,
for He dwells with you and will be in you." ~ John 14:17

How grand that God Himself came to show us the way in truth through
Christ. It is finding the spirit of truth within that separates the godly from
the despicable. Honesty with self is a pillar of His kingdom. To deny Him
and the light of truth He offers is the travesty of the ignorant and stubborn
hearted. In truth, Jesus Christ is an instrument revealing God’s own truth.

Unbeknownst to many, the Spirit of truth
is with us all waiting upon each heart.

"... the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me."
~ John 15:26

... when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; ...
~ John 16:13-14

The Spirit of God touches all, whether if acknowledged or not. His truth
influences conscience of heart revealing the will of God among men.
It has been declared true by God; His word for us to know. Jesus foretells
the coming of His declarations, which we now have and find in the Bible.
His Spirit is witness to whether we are in His Spirit of eternal truth or not.
┗► What one thirsts exposes desire of spirit.            

"Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. ... ~ John 17:17-20

Creation can only hold truth as it is
    Your Word = Truth    

His sacrifice for all allows us to see from the inside where real truth
resides. Knowing we are all part in one in Him is stronger than anything
apart. No longer alone, we are with God Himself. God does not lie and to
be in accordance with His word, one must believe it was He who brought
His word together for us to know Him. He has declared this for us to know
His sanctified truth of Spirit inspired by His life, and not just the result
of mere writings from whimsical men. As of God, it is that it is,
once delivered for all those that would believe.

... the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
~ John 1:14

                     ┏► Light excels darkness revealing the truth of life.
The Lord brings light to our darkness so that we can know truth.
To behold the glory of His grace is truth in its’ purest openness.
We all wait for corruption to end in view of His incorruption.
God Himself has risen into our lives.

... welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God,
which also effectively works in you who believe. ~ 1st Thessalonians 2:13

It is not about believing anything and everything. ◄┓
Through the Spirit we are blessed to differentiate
between His truth and mere simpleton concoctions of man.
Fowl language and arrogance expose the intelligence of all fools.
Thank the Lord for His inspired truth that makes the spirit soar
in Him above all men. He is the fireworks of the heart.
              In brilliance of Word, He speaks for all to hear. ◄┛

But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious,
Longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth. ~ Psalm 86:15

God has reached down to touch us with His gloriousness.
We are not alone suffering in the pain of separation. As a Father
waits for the return of his child, so God calls to His children.
┗► He is longsuffering in the revealing of our hearts.                   

Mercy and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed.
Truth shall spring out of the earth, ... ~ Psalms 85:10-11

The truth of heaven has been revealed as God Himself has visited us.
Unsurmountable peace extends to all those who rise in Him. It is by our
example of faith that enlightens the angles and suppresses rebellion.

"... for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness
to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." ~ John 18:37

God never intended to leave us in the darkness without a
way to return to His living truth in the light of His creation.
For those that love Him, we hear the ring of heaven.

Pilate said to Him, "What is truth?" ... ~ John 18:38

Torment plagues all liars. It takes courage to tell the truth and the
reward is great with a peace that can come by no other means or way.
Honor and integrity have no equal as they are the excellence of a soul.
Rebellion comes from those who are threatened by authority and search
for an escape with no reason other than spitefulness and or delusions of
power. An impatient heart is a nasty heart. Look at all the arguments
among men today, over truth, and how our unity breathlessly falls away
from us. Division is the nature of man, to the shame of our children.
Truth can be despicable when intermingled
with oppression without compassion.

... And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is truth.
~ 1st John 5:5-6

To understand the Holy Spirit and our relationship in God, one must
possess the quality of one of His greatest gifts to life, truth. And certainly,
that of truth, over creations of self deception. To be immersed in God is to
know His sacrifice of love is, so that life itself would be free to be free.
The Holy Spirit is in us when we freely & truthfully stand in love of others.
                ┗► Only those in honest hearts of truth shall be delivered.

Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that
we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures. ~ James 1:18

God’s force is such that He calls for our return through the spirit of our
lives. Our choice is our destiny, in Him or not. God takes no pleasure in
the defiant that would spurn Him. He wills that we would be born in Him,
adopted to an eternal inconceivable and irrevocable inheritance.
The gifts given of the Holy Spirit are upon us all. ◄┛                   

It is in realizing that God has given each of us life that the truth
of His spirit is revealed. Jesus has sealed the terms of our salvation
for all those that would fully accept Him. Repent and be immersed in Him.
Stand as a breathing individual in God’s creation, knowing that His plan
has eternal purpose. He is in fact the one that carries us all. We are of
the rising dirt of the earth. We owe our lives to God, praise Him our
Lord Jesus Christ and blessings untold will unfold.

In truth, have you immersed your spirit in Jesus and the life God
would have for us? To accept Him lifts the soul beyond the mortal
and strengthens the spirit deepening the soul.

The song God desires plays in heart
● God Himself is an instrument of truth
● The Word of God is an instrument of truth
● Jesus Christ is an instrument of truth
● The Spirit is an instrument of truth
● We are instruments of truth

The Spirit of truth is in our hearts.
Darkness holds no truth other than the absence of light.
There is no heart in darkness.

It is in the promises of His Word and declarations
of goodness that we surely find the truth of God.

This will be written for the generation to come,
That a people yet to be created may praise the LORD. ... ~ Psalm 102:18-20

Above all His Grace extends Mercy to all those who genuinely and
humbly cry out openly for Him in this most holy notion we bow to called
truth. Remember, He is greater than the extinguishing of time. It is in
truth, thoughts from His heart, that transcends all the generations.
He gives to those whose cry is freedom.

"The glory of the LORD shall be revealed, And all flesh shall see it together;
..." ~ Isaiah 40:5

"... grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever."
~ Isaiah 40:6-8

The Word of God is greater than any mere mortal man.
It is His word that instructs us. It is God, through His timeless being,
touching each generation with a call to come back in truth. Repeatedly,
He explains our futile situation in view of a greater glory.
Praise the Lord for the lesson found in grass.
We die to live.
            ┗► Salvation.
Surely the breath of God is given by the times in which we live.

"I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser." ~ John 15:1

... He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit;
for without Me you can do nothing. ... ~ John 15:5-6

What is the truth of a flower? How did its’ seed come to be? Can
words express the fire of fragrance’s color? Can the memory of love
pierce the present without a knowing heart? Are sentient beings more
than rising dust? God declares it is our choice to be part in Him or not as
we question what, and who, we are. In truth, we are nothing without God.
             Greater than fleeting nations is God. ◄┛

... Do not withhold Your tender mercies from me, O LORD; Let Your
lovingkindness and Your truth continually preserve me.~ Psalm 40:11

The delicate beauty of life has no equal and we are ignorant to the
enormity of its’ colors. Who can claim the source of life in its’ infinite
perplexing wonders? We loudly and humbly need God so that we may
survive our collapsing deaths in the flesh. It is in the flesh that the true
nature of a soul is determined. His truth is such a special delicacy bringing
surviving nectar as we precariously navigate unknown devouring portals.
He promises permanency but not in this realm of finite impossibilities.
┗► His promise lives in the bosom of all true believers.                  

                                    ┏► A turning from the flesh to the Spirit.
He looks for that awakening change from self, to us.
Unity is not found in the disunion of souls, and especially those mired
contemptuously against one another, - the cancer of all fallen civilizations.
Leadership is not leadership when it only divides the people and proves
God’s own announcement that man is powerless to lead himself.

Without the power of unyielding decency under His guidance
(how God upholds the heavens), petty thoughts are lost in the crowd.

Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; ...
~ Psalm 25:5

Many things are attributed to being strengthened by the Word of God.
Qualities of humbly asking for help to know better while maintaining the
patience to work through any struggle, in hopeful view of what He has
promised the faithful, eternal life. It is trust in the hereafter and Him.
                                                                 ┗► For the love of God’s own truths.

Disbelievers may say hogwash asking why we must wait, but truth is
larger than human life. Claims of once your dead, your dead, wail out
from cynics who plunder upon the material. It is more than just dust
in the darkness. To be alive in Him is what He waits for. God is
for the living, not the dead. A cemetery is not a place
of worship, and He proclaims that it should not be.
→  This world is not our permanent home.  ←
Salvation is the cry of the marching faithful. Holy is the pureness
of His sustaining light. In fact, His truth comes to light for all those
that truly believe. It is not about squabbling religions of man, it
is about the greatness of God’s own truth given to all men.

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not
need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. ~ 2nd Timothy 2:15

There is a lot of knowledge in the realm of man.
God is instructing us to be careful in knowing right from wrong, in
accordance with His will. Man’s anger denies the goodness of God by
blaming God for the shortcomings of man and unspiritual people fail to
fully acknowledge the curse of Satan’s own devouring death, as he is cast
away into the darkness dragging his once omnipresent blessings with him.
Man’s severance of God endorses lawlessness and joins in Satan’s own
characteristic demise. In the exclusive isolated pursuit of man, God’s
brilliance is lost. To examine His Word is to find God. There is a
greater purpose than just mortal life in a universe of decay,
and it is found in being living creatures of God.
To find this on your own has no greater value.

Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.
~ 1st Thessalonians 5:21-22

All is a mystery to be found and upon finding understanding, it leads one
on the path to further exploration. Decisions to accept what is wholesome
and reject that which is profane is where a good life resides.
To accept God’s word embraces eternity.
    To know Him is to truly Love Him. ◄┛

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.
~ Romans 12:9

In one’s deepest thoughts, love’s aspiration is to be simple and sure.
He asks that we pursue goodness shunning the repulsiveness of evil.
To achieve love in all its’ glory, one’s heart, mind, must rise, leave,
even leap, from the bottom of its’ darkness. Approaching the light is
not found in resting inside the darkness. Truth for us can be enigmatic
in God’s innumerable gifts. Ours, given in wondering, reflects eternity.
God is certainly not disguised with duplicity for this is a dish most
often served by man. God calls for clean hearts in His light.
┗► Treachery in lies is not endorsed by God.          

Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck,
Write them on the tablet of your heart, ... ~ Proverbs 3:3-4

A passionate compassionate heart is regarded by all.

"Only fear the LORD, and serve Him in truth with all your heart;
for consider what great things He has done for you." ~ 1st Samuel 12:24

In regards to God’s creation, how can one not fall humbled in service
to what has been given. Without gratefulness in awe of His wonders,
one limits awareness. True paupers fail to look up from within.
Rich are the poor in spirit for they know of such a
greater need than all the earth could provide.

For the law was given through Moses,
but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. ~ John 1:17

      ┏► God created life to live!
God has no wish for death to reign in the suffering of separation
mired in the inabilities of man. He has incorporated a plan where
His grace redeems those who know Him; the loyal living in Him. It is
not rocket science. A praising heart is a humble heart. It is in praising that
heaven’s eternity draws near. Indescribable is the distant remembrance of
the most familiar truth, God so dearly loves us that He did die for us.
His gift of free life and love for us echoes across the heavens.

In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth,
the gospel of your salvation; ... ~ Ephesians 1:13

By abiding in His word the Spirit of truth engages further assistance,
... within, as the promise of the inheritance consummates.
Life eternally begins now. Truth is not something hidden.
                                                    ┗► The Light of His Love is before us all.

... If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves,
and the truth is not in us. ~ 1st John 1:6-8

His truths agonize for our return
Truth is a
Practice we do in
  The light of Jesus Christ  

           There is no satisfaction in covetousness. ◄┓┏► It's not about stuff.
There are those that only worship the ground before them.
Unforgiving materialism void of spirit only invites the downtrodden greedy.
Hypocrites abound as man’s hate for man is truly our greatest enemy.
Divorce from others is not divorce from self. Sacrifice leads a soul's
sinless rising. All those who walk in His light bring a greater power
to the whole glory, in mercy for one another. The sharing of love
was intended by Him, for His children, and His deepest hope is
now for our joy in Him to overtake our miseries for without.

"... But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may
be clearly seen, that they have been done in God." ~ John 3:20-21

Sweet roses drench in His love
Who does truth
  Comes to the Light  
In Godly deeds

       Past feeling truth, evil consumes itself. ◄┓
Darkness maintains a brazen lack of conscience.
Truth blazes in the face of darkness. It takes courage to overcome any
yanking tumultuous fears. Apathy has no friend in the bravery one must
muster to survive. In struggles, while darkness glooms, the heart beats
hard coughing to breathe. These are times that have consumed each of
us. It can be a battle just to be. To see clearly with the clarity of an open
heart, one must become free of the darkness that binds us; those clasping
chains holding misery in our disgust. All good hearts hold regret.
Accepting His forgiveness strengthens one’s resolve to
be free and moves the spirit forward and upward.

He who says, "I know Him," and does not keep His commandments,
is a liar, and the truth is not in him.... ~ 1st John 2:4-5

Truth is the gauge to whether one is in God or not.
All liars have no pity. Alone, a lying heart murders the truth.

In mercy and truth Atonement is provided for iniquity;
And by the fear of the LORD one departs from evil. ~ Proverbs 16:6

He came to lift all repenting hearts. Thank God, praise the Lord,
for Christ carries our sins setting us free to move onward.
This is the truth of His mercy, and astounding grace is found
by all those loyal to Him. Brilliant is shy of His shining truth.

... they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
... who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
~ 2nd Thessalonians 2:10-12

                       ┏► Placing man’s ideals above God.
For the arrogant of heart, pointed in their determination, place self above
God. In life they would mock truth buried in deception. These range from
the insane knife cutting butchers, baby life torturing primadonnas, to the
neurotics that rage across the roadways of all lands. Pray all those
who hurt, God truly help us as evil surrounds the meek. The
storm rages upon the remaining calm as nature herself
is witness to the toxic onslaught of man’s atrocities.

But this people has a defiant and rebellious heart;
They have revolted and departed. ~ Jeremiah 5:23

Evil has no conscience and pursues pleasure no matter the cost.
Desperation finds hopeless rage in its’ breaking point.

"There are those who rebel against the light;
They do not know its ways Nor abide in its paths." ~ Job 24:13

      Ruin follows in the absence of God’s truth. ◄┓
It is said that the people perish where there is no truth.
To find the light is to find God. Pity upon all whose death is in darkness.

Have I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?
~ Galatians 4:16

For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.
~ 2nd Corinthians 13:8

Like searching for a prize in a box of Cracker Jacks,
one has to dig for the truth to uncover the treasure. In order to
see the truth, one must tear back the lies that would deceive us.
If there is no underlying guiding greater truth, how pitiable is all life.
Hard truth can be painful, but it is the wall we all must climb. Many prefer
the absence of His light, for the truth can be most uncomfortable for those
deceived in the trickery of a lie. Comfort zones have been the death
of many of souls. Truth remains over the masks of man.
┗► Tragic when complacency wipes away decency.        

The truthful lip shall be established forever,
But a lying tongue is but for a moment. ~ Proverbs 12:19

Truth is intermingled with love for how can one absolve one from the other
and still maintain truth? What is impossible is impossible; inseparable.
There is false truth. Hate is truth without merciful hope. Hate is void of
timeless unity with roots often repressed in hidden fears. What nurtures
a child raises a child. Lying cowards beget cowards of the same, and
so to individually rise in the goodness of God’s own truth, a break from
tradition must be mustered, for surely a clean brave heart can only be
realized, in life's fullest form, if God is embraced. It is a lie that our state
should be separate from the godly life. It is in greatest truth that when we
separate God from our state that the despicable creep in, may it never
be so, as it is. Truth maintains a fearless quality in knowing something
greater is ahead. Mature spirits have peaceful praise for life superseding
those immaturely caught up in the disgust of anxiety. Man’s affliction
against man kills many who would be faithful in adopting finite scornful
lies over His greater desire for the higher truths to upwell in us. To
be deep is to be high. What is shallow will forever remain shallow.
Lies descend to nothing while the truth eternally rises.

... but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things
into Him who is the head - Christ - ~ Ephesians 4:15

He has risen to show us how to rise, so be it! In truth,
does our might of love reach out to uncover a greater light of truth?

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself,
... does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; ~ 1st Corinthians 13:4-6

Love releases captivity to freedoms abode
  Love suffers long and is:
      ● Kind
           ⮡  Does not →  envy
                                → Parade itself
                                → Behave rudely
                                → Seek its own
                               → Rejoice in iniquity  

      ● Not puffed up / provoked
      ● Thinks no evil
      ● Rejoices in the truth

Love is over all.

... putting away lying, "Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,"
~ Ephesians 4:25

It is incredible that truth serum is required in such a trustless world as ours.
No serum is required when one’s praise is to the source of all.
Honest is the face of the noble.

... (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), ...
~ Ephesians 5:9

God is calling us out to be righteous
in all goodness holding truth as precious.

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, ... ~ Ephesians 6:14-15

┏► Integrity is the strength of a soul.                                                
To stand for and in the truth holds no greater honor. Truth prepares us
to withstand attacks upon our conviction when lies assault our character.
One can have zeal for a lie so truth is essential to be right in the eye of
God. We are instructed to use the gospel of peace as a basis for the
truth that we would believe. Lies suppress the people in ignorance
holding us all in the bondage of corruption. He calls for us
to put on the light of His truth in the face of darkness.

... know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the
church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. ~ 1st Timothy 3:15

Universally truth holds to the pillar of eternity.
His truth remains as all falsehoods evaporate.
His word thunderously enlightens the softness of our hearts.

... that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true,
in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. ~ 1st John 5:20

To be held by God is to know Him.

... of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear
us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. ~ 1st John 4:6

To Want or Not to Want the Word of God

We reach for something yet unseen promised by God. It inspires us to be
better than we are in compassion for others. As God proclaims, the spirit
of truth is in Him, and to reject His reality is to adopt the spirit of error.
Many claim to believe in God, but don’t care to talk about Him, either
for fear or ignorance, or in todays political correctness, He has become
taboo. Is God an opinion or a fact, and if opinions differ, does that change
God? It does not, and His truth remains over the petty arguments of man.
A society that does not talk about God is abandoned by God. Honest
hearts Transparent in His light beholds the epitome of truth itself.
┗► Known by Him is all that is.                        

... let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.
And by this we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure
our hearts before Him. ~ 1st John 3:18-19

It is caring for others that we find ourselves in harmony with the fulfillment
of spirit, that God created us for, expressly to enjoy in, and this is naturally
innate to His creation. As a part to edify the whole, we find unity in Him.

I rejoiced greatly that I have found some of your children walking in truth, ...
~ 2nd John 1:4

Children pure in heart; it is often lost by those that turn from God.
Children should be the fresh air of their parents inhalation; a welcomed
rejoicing. And if we are reduced to children void of the truth, it results in
the recklessness we now witness across this nation, and any nation that
would abandon His teachings. Withholding God is to the demise of our
children, crippling them as adults, and only perpetuates a mistrustful
society of disgust and unhappiness.

... I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
~ 3rd John 1:3-4

The Word, completed by the Apostles, established God’s truth in His
desire that man know His will through His pronouncements of truth.
Come to Him and find your greater self, an unpretentious soul in the
whole of Him. Harmless as a dove but wise as a waiting serpent.
Would ignorance serve us, and our self-indulgent children, better?

For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth,
there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, ... ~ Hebrews 10:26

A sinful unrepentant life is one that has no restraints, anything goes.
It is one immersed in the sole impulsive pleasures of the flesh, regardless
of the consequences to those surrounding the perpetrator. It is lust
unfulfilled void of generosity. In the mercy of Jesus’ life, His grace holds
to those in pursuit of His redeeming force, abiding in the improvements
of spirit God calls out for, in all that would be sinners. He carries the
sins of those that do not turn from Him and His once delivered truths.
Each true Christian is a mountain climber. It is asked, will you come or
remain in your sins. To go on alone in a ditch, it is dreadful to think that
there would be no sacrifice, to cover your disobedience, in the face of His
judgment, especially with access into the goodness that is eternity waiting.
                                          ┗► Faith enables all hopeful hearts in His saving grace.

"But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral,
sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns
with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." ~ Revelation 21:8

For those that remain rebelliously alone, the second death is
figuratively found in the dumping grounds of burning human garbage.
More detrimentally, it is a place of separation from ongoing creation,
and most predominately, separate from the living giving God. As polluted
waste is purged, so will the destruction from the living occur for those that
serve no one but self. There is no room in God’s kingdom for the selfish
as they depart to the discarded. How alone is darkness with no life.
┗► Cast off, there will be gnashing of teeth.                

... For He is coming, for He is coming to judge the earth. He shall judge the
world with righteousness, And the peoples with His truth. ~ Psalm 96:13

It will be unadulterated truth that will expose
each soul for what we are, bare in His light.
⭨             ↓             ⭩
So it is the Word in which we seek truth.
Nothing is more valuable than the truth for its’ foundation builds on all
that is noble. Truth serves a heart mercifully joining one with the divine.
Our deeds are purely in the midst of our hearts as the pillar defining who
we are. We need to keep our thoughts pure as it is in fact the pillar of our
faith in the sight of God. Pray He preserves us from wicked temptations.
May we be found worthy in the tower of His great living truth.
More than what we think, it is about what we do.

Life infuses with the truth He delivers
● Truth endures forever
● Esteem mercy and truth
● Love rejoices in the truth
● Truth is one of the fruits of the Spirit
● A spirit of truth hears the word of God
● In mercy & truth Atonement is provided for iniquity
● Truth came through Jesus Christ
● We can know God through Christ
● Speak the truth to one another
● Our deeds expose the truth of our hearts
● Serve the Lord in truth
● Love of the truth leads to salvation
● Keeping to His word assures that we are in Him
● Sinning willfully after receiving truth dooms a soul
● One cannot go against the truth
● The church of the living God is a pillar of truth
● God will judge the world’s people in His truth

We stand on the shore of time
waiting for His timeless appearing.

Darkness has no cover.





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